God wins either way, and He wants us to trust Him despite how the crowd wants to rationalize poor behavior. #principleoftheday: Jesus was killed by a crowd because of #fakenews. Will you follow the #thoughtoftheday over the #Catholic #principles that made #Jesus known throughout the world & all time as a king who served all, saving people from injustice by confronting those perpetrating it in love as they sought to retain power through intimidation & deceit? Jesus lives & reins as king of all today, saving souls through actions he took 2000 years ago in #leadership by example (in word & deed, #faithandworks) in love & by truth, offering freedom from enslavement to fear & false beliefs perpetrated by the imperfect judgment of men whom hid truth in malice & deceit to gain power over men for earthly reward, rather than fear God in care for all. Jesus set the prisoners free, by empathizing that even his enemies were merely trapped by false beliefs, which...