#principleoftheday: The mind is the battlefield, and false beliefs & fear of facing God (the truth) holds back & tears down _________. 🍿 ________ attempts to hide God, alter God, become God, & as a result create a fear of facing exceptional amounts of shame in others as they sin without knowing, and then must face it eventually. 🤯 This tears ________ down, & all who follow them, as few desire want to confront the ”false temple” they are facing & contributed in the acts. 🙈🙉🙊 It’s far easier to conform & allow sin to happen under the ”guise” of loving someone (justify fear), than it is to love _________ enough to tell the truth, even if it hurts. 😍 _______ must love truth to grow, & to see where they can improve in both their successes and failures. We can't seek to improve by assuming we “know”. 🤓 This hashtag #mindset creates growth in all, rather than submission to “what we believe we know now” ( hashtag #thoughtoftheday), which stu...